August 24, 2021

Faces of Sci-Tech Daresbury, Meet Paul Treloar

The people who work at Sci-Tech Daresbury are really important to us. After all, they’re the living, breathing, speaking proof that Sci-Tech Daresbury's 5 pillars of success guide all that we do to ensure that everyone has the best experience possible whilst working here.

Paul Treloar

The people who work at Sci-Tech Daresbury are really important to us. After all, they’re the living, breathing, speaking proof that Sci-Tech Daresbury's 5 pillars of success guide all that we do to ensure that everyone has the best experience possible whilst working here.

Our team come from all sorts of backgrounds and bring their own characters to whatever job they are doing. They’re positive, good organisers, great communicators, real team players and are proud to say ‘we work at Sci-Tech Daresbury'.

Meet Paul Treloar, our Business Support Manager...

If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do at Sci-Tech Daresbury, what would it be?

My role is to develop and support the network and partnerships of Sci-Tech Daresbury, identify science & technology companies that can grow faster through location on our tech campus, and support companies on Campus to achieve their growth goals, particularly through accelerated partnerships.

When did you start at Sci-Tech Daresbury and what was your first role?

I have been committed to the above role at Daresbury since 2003.

What led you to this career and wanting to work at Sci-Tech Daresbury?

The goal for me professionally was to support the building of more successful technology companies through developing a different environment for them to prosper in.

What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of at Sci-Tech Daresbury?

When I got to Daresbury, the very start of the Campus was being constructed and we had vision.  Today, we have 150 tech companies from start-ups and spin-outs to blue chips, and have delivered a place where we have proved that tech companies grow faster/more successfully.

Tell us some of your previous experience before working at Sci-Tech Daresbury? 

I spent 6 years at University in technology R&D through PhD and Post-Doctoral studies, 9 years as a founder in technology spinout, start-up and scale-up companies, before focusing on developing a new environment where tech companies can grow more effectively.

What’s the best advice you were ever given and who was it from?

Difficult to know the best, but one that I recall from early on is ‘look after all your relationships. It is a very small world, and people you work with can end up in key positions of influence.'

What’s one thing you saw recently that made you smile?

A friend who was on cloud nine, he had just bought a state-of-the-art Gravel Bike!

What’s your favourite way to unwind after a busy day or at the weekend?

A have a few(!) but jumping on a road bike and going for a spin would be up there!

What are your top 3 favourite films?

Very difficult – an eclectic mix would be The Blind Side, The Angel Share and Skyfall!

What’s your favourite place that you’ve ever visited?

Tough question but one that comes to mind is safari in the Okavango Delta, Botswana.